AMCAT Exam Through Placements 2016

 AMCAT Exam Through Placements 2016


What is AMCAT Exam ?

AMCAT (Aspiring Minds Computer Adaptive Test) is a test conducted to evaluate the reasoning Skills, Technical Skills as well as Aptitude Skills of a Candidate who is applying for Jobs in top MNC’s. Thus, Amcat Syllabus Amcat Exam pattern, Thus Amcat is also known as employability assessment test. The Skills of the candidates will be measured in a Statistical Approach if they attend the test.
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How the AMCAT exam is useful to the candidates as well as the Companies ?

The AMCAT (Aspiring Minds Computer Adaptive Test) is useful for the candidates who apply for the jobs as well as the companies to select their employees. The scores which the candidates get in the AMCAT are used for selecting them for the interview and then Final placements by the Companies. It also reduces the time for short listing of the candidates for the companies. It is very helpful to the candidates to feature their skills through the scores they get in the AMCAT. The feedback which is given by the AMCAT will help the candidates to recognize theirs strengths as well as weaknesses. This makes them to change their weakness into strengths. Thus, it is very helpful to the Companies as well the Candidates.
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Who are eligible to write AMCAT ?

1. The students who have completed their MBA or the students who are in the final year of MBA are eligible to write AMCAT.
2. The Students who have completed Engineering in any Branch or the students who are in the final year of Engineering can write AMCAT.
3. The Students who have completed their Graduation or the students who are in the final year of their Graduation can write AMCAT.

What companies which recognize the AMCAT scores ?

The companies which employ the candidates based on the scores of AMCAT at present are more than 700 companies. There are also more than 500 small & medium scale organizations which recognize the AMCAT Score Card. Many companies are considering the AMCAT Score card as compulsory. It has become a benchmark for the skills as well as abilities of the candidates to feature themselves among thousands and lakhs of resumes. More than one and a half lakhs of candidates who have taken this AMCAT are called for interviews and out of those many of them are getting employed. Some of the types of companies which recognize the AMCAT Score Cards are as follows:
· Banking Institutions.
· Financial Institutions.
· Automobile Companies.
· IT Companies.
· Telecommunication Companies.
· Corporate Companies.
· Hotels.
· IT Product Companies.
· & many other Companies.
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AMCAT Syllabus, Exam Pattern 2016 – 2017

Amcat Syllabus 2016 : The candidates should have a knowledge on the syllabus, exam pattern before going to the exam. The Duration of the exam will be held for 3 hours. The Question Paper consists of questions in the Objective type. There is no negative marking for this test. There are two modules for AMCAT. They are:
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 Exam Pattern of AMCAT: 
Name of the Paper.Marks
English Comprehensive900.
Quantitative Ability900.
Logical Ability (Reasoning)900.
Optional Module.900.

The Papers in Compulsory Module are:

  1. English Comprehensive which carries 900 marks.
  2. Quantitative Ability which carries 900 marks.
  3. Logical Ability (Reasoning) which carries 900 marks.
Syllabus for English Comprehensive is:
  1. Filling in the blanks.
  2. Identification of the errors in the sentences.
  3. Correction of Errors in the sentence.
  4. Synonyms,  Antonyms & meaning of given words which are a part of Vocabulary.
  5. Ordering a given sentence which is a part of Sentence Construction.
  6. Questions on a given passage to test the candidate’s Comprehension Skills.
Syllabus for Quantitative Ability is:
  1. Basics of Algebra.
  2. Fractions & Decimals.
  3. Least Common Multiple (L C M) & Highest Common Fraction (H C F).
  4. Numerical problems.
  5. Logarithms & Powers.
  6. General Maths.
  7. Permutations & Combinations.
  8. Problems on Time and work, Time and distance, Ages.
  9. Problems on Calculation of Profit & Loss and Interest.
  10. Problems on calculation of Percentages.
Syllabus for Logical Ability (Reasoning) is:
  1. Questions on Coding & Decoding.
  2. Puzzles and Sequence of Logical word.
  3. Selection Decision Tables.
  4. Reasoning & Critical reasoning.
  5. Blood Relations Reasoning.
  6. Recognition of Coding Pattern (Non-verbal Reasoning).
  7. Objective Reasoning.
  8. Data Sufficiency, etc…..,

Optional Modules For Engineering Candidates :

  1. Computer Science Engineering & IT
  2. Civil Engineering
  3. Mechanical Engineering
  4. Electronics & Communication Engineering
  5. Electrical Engineering.

The Optional Modules for MBA Graduates:

  1. HR(Human Resource).
  2. Finance.
  3. Marketing.
  4. Operations.
  5. Basic Statistics,  etc…..,
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The Optional Modules for Graduates:

  1. Finance and Accounting.
  2. Computer Programming.
  3. Biology.
  4. Pharma.
  5. Physics.
  6. Chemistry, etc…..,
Prove Your Self In a Exam And to be part of MNC'S

AMCAT Aspiring Minds Computer Adaptive Test TEST Structure 2016

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AMCAT Previous Year Questions
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